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Old 2012-07-09, 02:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
Mr DeCastellac
First Sergeant
Re: Things you already love about PS2

I love that Planetside 2 will be Free To Play.

Partially because I can pay however much I want, but mostly because I can get my friends to download it and play it.
They were all really interested in PS1, but didn't want to spend $75 to play for just a month, and have to keep forking out $15 each month they want to keep playing.
This way they can just download it, join up, have a grand ol' time, and if they were interested, pay how much they want to.

I also think the Free To Play model will also have the game last a lot longer. I don't think PS1 died because people got bored or because SOE made some... questionable additions and changes. I think it died because people didn't want to keep paying $15 a month over and over for a game whose graphics and gameplay were becoming more and more outdated. Notice how when SOE gives out free gameplay time, the population skyrockets. So I think having the game be free to play will decrease any population drop-off, as well as having more players in general.
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