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Old 2012-07-09, 06:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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Re: MAX Melee Arm (Sacrifice a gun for better melee)

Originally Posted by jakaul View Post
Actually, you're right. I did kind of turn my thing into a don't overpower the MAX type of rant. Which is still a good point, but not really part of your idea.

I think what was getting me really riled up was the thoughts of having a MAX that could charge, knockback, etc with a melee weapon. That seems a little ridiculous. If your idea is to just toss on a melee weapon in place of a gun but leave off all the silly crap that makes it a World of Warcraft tank, then I'm cool with the idea.
Well, if you look closely, I'm not suggesting ALL the ideas, I'm just putting forward potential ideas for it. There is also the balancing with various ideas.

A knockback wouldn't throw you on your back, but might push you back a bit, a vehicle knockback would be skidded a little bit and just have to readjust the aim or drive away to avoid the second hit.

A stagger would just make your aim change, just turn back to the MAX and back up.

Range could be more or less, with a bigger area of hit or smaller.

All these points aren't jumbled together, but with give and takes.

A long range weapon with larger are of hit, like a sword thing, would do less damage and not have any secondary effects.

A Long range weapon with an impact hit would deal good damage

A short range weapon with knockback or stagger does less damage

A short range weapon with no knockback or stagger, and is an impact hit does the most damage.

Certain weapons can charge, and others can't.

A damaging charge can only hit on person, it's like a charge and punch a single enemy type of attack. Also, charging has very little turning ability, and must reach top speed before the bonus can be applied, meaning you need a certain distance apart to do it.

A pushing charge is where you just run through the enemy and push them to the side with a bit of stagger. I doubt this would be as fun as the damaging charge though. But I felt it needed to be talked about a little, so I kept it.

This is what I'm saying with all those points. Balancing it to not be OPed, but people don't read that part. You basically assign points to things like DPS, abilities, range, and impacts, and don't exceed a certain count so that all weapons balance out.

Having them all in a single weapon would be absolutely ABSURD!

Also, stagger and knockback are "maybes", damage weapons and a charge with bonus damage are MUCH better. Then it's swing or thrust/jab, and range and damage to worry about.

Swords, pikes, busters, and knuckles oh my!

Last edited by Zekeen; 2012-07-09 at 06:02 PM.
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