PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - The Vindicators (VS) are recruiting for PS2. [NA]
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Old 2012-07-13, 01:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #62
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Re: The Vindicators (VS) are recruiting for PS2. [NA]

Hi, I'm Elays/Kelwas. I am here to extoll the virtues of the Vindicators for noobs. Why noobs? Because I'm a noob.

Okay not really, I've been playing video games for quite some time. And I did play Planetside, but I only started after the release of Aftershock. And I picked the Vindicators for my outfit because, aside from the friendly-yet-professional atmosphere they cultivate, they are also humble.

Not humble in the "aw shucks" kind of way, but as in the opposite of elitist. There are a number of outfits on these boards that are positioning themselves as the "best of the best", or as specializing in something to a level of extreme skill. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT. But I enjoy all aspects of gameplay, and I know I'm not the most amazing player. I simply wanted a team that will, through effective tactics and simple communication, make us much more effective as a group than as individuals.

I plan on doing my best to become part of a new Vindicators cadre for Planetside 2, leading a squad and emulating the sort of respectful, coordinated atmosphere that I so appreciate. If there are those of you who will put your squad above yourself and have fun doing it, I want you by my side. I don't need the best shots or the oldest veterans, I need team mates. If that's what you want too, join the Vindicators.
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