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Old 2012-07-16, 09:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: Playing solo without voice chat

I don't think you are necessarily considered casual because you don't like voice communication. I hate it tbh, but I have had to use it a lot in the past especially when playing CS in leagues/lan tournaments. It could be I'm just burnt out from doing it for years. When I was playing TOR my guild had to pull my arm constantly to join mumble and it seems like its the same way with my outfit in PS.

I still play as hard as I can, I just don't like to always be talking while playing. Sometimes people constantly talk and its about stuff that's not relevant to the game and at times becomes distracting. Sometimes I'll just be chilling in mumble/vent for hours and people won't need me for anything and sometimes it might happen multiple days in a row.

I'm all for joining up if we are going to do something as a unit and I'm needed but it just seems like there's more idling and I just don't like to hear people ramble forever. I also like to sometimes play music while I'm in hardcore battles it helps the mood of my game. I find myself often muting the sound in mumble/vent to do so. Anyways, just saying I wouldn't consider myself casual but you do have to pull my arm a lot to jump in voice comm for I have become extremely lazy in that area of gaming.

Last edited by wigsplit; 2012-07-16 at 09:14 AM.
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