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Old 2012-07-22, 01:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Re: Let Factions Write / Rewrite lore for PS2

I agree with the OP. Each faction needs to have representation from love for the faction. If the general idea for the 3 are "NC love freedom, TR are commies, and VS are alien cultists" - it seriously gives people the wrong idea as compared to the lore. So any short descriptions about the factions should be representative of the lore - which is actually pretty cool and balanced. After reading the PS2 lore recently and in order here's how I see the factions:

TR - Those loyal to late president Connery are very noble in wanting to do the right thing for the people on the voyage and Auraxis. Then there are the elders who took over after Connery's assassination and cracked down then started abusing power. I imagine many TR would hold true to the ideals of Connery, even if the current leadership is defunct.

NC - After Connery was killed and a ship was lost in the assassination, TR cracked down and of course normal men and woman weren't down with that. Especially if they had nothing to do with the actual rebellion or anything. These people see the corporate groups moving away from the central leadership and the corporations even offer to pay some of them...

VS - Henry Briggs is the kid who was with Connery when humans found the first alien artifact ever. Henry was first to touch it and was it's keeper. He would hear voices and have visions of a being named Vanu. He felt finding out what it meant was key to our survival as a race, Connery believed the same thing. After Connery was killed, Henry and many teachers, scientists and academics started meeting to discuss their future. He told some about the visions and people started to support him.

In the scheme of things it seems like the TR and VS were closely aligned (in spirit as there were no factions right away) and the NC are totally controlled and influenced by private interest looking to do things like they do currently in our world today. Which is why corporations brought mercenaries from Earth and started calling the alliance of business men and defense/security companies the "New Conglomerate". It then says in the lore - from Henry Briggs (before the assassination of connery) -

"The group that really surprises me is the businessmen, the New Conglomerate, as they call themselves. We knew they hired paid mercenaries, so despite the incongruity of Earth’s top CEOs and glorified contract killers working side-by-side, I understand that bond. What I wasn’t expecting was all the young people siding with the N.C. It turns out the N.C.’s rallying cry for freedom from government intervention is something they both favor. Both groups are fed up with the increasingly harsh government regulations, and now they stand together against a common enemy. I guess the old saying about politics making strange bedfellows is still true."
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