PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Planetside2 Dog fighting Question - for Community Day people and beyond
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Old 2012-07-22, 09:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Planetside2 Dog fighting Question - for Community Day people and beyond

I held off posting a thread about this some time ago, wanted to make sure this wasnt talked about before.

I Watched the current videos from various sources (both Comm. Day and the tech Tests) and read comments that piloting will be much harder and in some aspects similar to piloting a heli from BF3; havent played BF series unfortunately.

What im wondering though is the dogfighting elements for PS2.

In comparison of Planetside 1 when in a dog fight, majority of the battles boiled down getting the higher altitude, being stationary and firing. there wasnt so much of the worry of fighting gravity since Ps1 aircraft can simply just hover with no effort involved.

In Ps2 however, their seems to be alot of movement in the air, very few aircraft that move in low speed usually seems to be attacking ground troops. outside of that, Im assuming the lack of moving and maneuvers is a death sentence in the air due to air vehicles now having alot less armor when taken out, the customization of swapping into Air-2-Air missles, and notable moments of banking hard to the left or right when moving at a high speed.

Will the same core Ps1 dog fighting tactics be valid in ps2?
Will the Ps1 tactics still be used, but added over into Ps2?
or Will dogfighting in Ps2 will be night and day compared to Ps1?
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