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Old 2012-07-24, 03:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #335
First Sergeant
Re: Please remove Vehicle seat swapping.

Originally Posted by Revanmug View Post
Get ready to be rape by 2 man tank which the top gunner beeing a repair bitch.

And seriously, the liberator example is just bad. Seat swapping or not, you will probably only 2 man it anyway so the "less teamplay" is wrong.
The first comment missed the fact there are two tanks with TWICE the armour and manoeuvrability, tank to tank is the worst example of your point. Tank to tank, two heavy tanks vs one heavy tank x2 ppl is going to lose, as they don't have twice the firepower - whereas with driver guns you do have twice the firepower + twice the manoeuverability + the fact the second guy can get in the tank that is left!. Not to mention one can more easily get to fire at a weaker armor area of their opponent, flanking the single tank. Given these conditions, best guess, you may get one enemy tank with two people, but you won't get two most of the time, especially not with insta AV in the mix.

Originally Posted by Blackwolf View Post
You essentially announced yourself to be a free kill.

So allegedly tanks will have vulnerable rears compared to their front. In an air to ground engagement, the air has a massive advantage over the ground in mobility and maneuverability. Any aircraft with a gun will out maneuver a ground vehicle easily. If air has superior or equivalent firepower to deal with the ground, naturally the ground is going to want to deal with the air on equal terms.

In an engagement between air and ground in which the ground target opts to sacrifice mobility (never mind maneuverability) in order to engage the air with superior firepower, the ground will die. There is no exception to this.

In an engagement involving two ground targets against one air, the ground will have an advantage in numbers but the air still holds numerous other advantages including mobility and maneuverability. It is entirely the pilot's option whether to engage the tanks or not, and how to approach. Twice the armor in this situation does nothing but drags the engagement out. Having a single tank with active AA firepower AND mobility gives the tank more control over the engagement and prevents the air target from using his superior maneuverability to get a fix on your vulnerable rear.

The flat mathematics argument only works in engagements based on attrition. And battle of attrition fought between air and ground will always result in the air dying first, so fighting in this manner as a pilot is suicidal and foolish. Air has to use hit and run, maneuverability, and shot placement to maximize his chances over a ground target. And stationary ground targets rarely live long against air raids and air born threats.

Here you make the point much better, but have missed the fact there is twice the manoeuvrability in two tanks, so the single tank is actually MORE vulnerable in the rear. Sure air can hit ground hard, good, I wouldn't have it any other way. This single set up would favor AA, but don't forget, you'd have twice the AA focused on such an aircraft in two tanks, so it'd be situational - if you are comparing apples to oranges, which is of course not right in large fight where many situations can happen out of the blue - the main advantage of two in a vehicle is the fact they can react to more situations quicker.

Still i'd take two tanks in some situations nearly always, with 2 individual drivers who can seat swap, over 1 tank with 2 people. Certainly in tank to tank battles nearly all of the time i'd take two tanks, if the enemy was rolling mostly armor, i'd advise going to a single tank with seat swap + insta AV at this point.

Last edited by Karrade; 2012-07-24 at 03:11 PM.
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