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Old 2012-07-27, 06:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: Still on the fence...

Originally Posted by FINALCUT View Post
Disagree. Being NC doesn't meen you hate your country. It meens you hate the Dictatorship running your Country and you want a more free form of leadership,one that promotes capitalism and individual freedom.

I love the United States and the Idea of what it is to be an American. I love the Country as it was designed and run for the first hundred years give or take. I hate what it has become.

I am a Patriot,yet I am also a freedom fighter at heart. I think you see the NC as an anarchist organization. I see them as patriots trying to restore the terran republic to the way it was in the past when it was more respectful of our rights as free men.

Just difference in the way we view things I guess,kind of like in real life. There are those flag waving,gun totoing Americans that want a second revolution in this country,then there are those flag waving ,gun toting americans that want a peacful transition of power to a Government that is more in line with our Constitution.

Both groups want the same thing,just want to get there by a different path.Thats how I see the NC anyways. Just my 2 cents.
You could have clarified that in your first post.

Originally Posted by FINALCUT View Post
How can you dislike Patriotism in real life?



Love of and devotion to one's country.

That settles it. NC doesn't want you,go VS.
This makes you sound like a practitioner of blind patriotism, which would make absolutely no sense.
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