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Old 2012-07-30, 02:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #77
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Re: Questions for Pro7

Originally Posted by Brollywood View Post
I'll have to put the answers up tomorrow now, sorry!

For the Pay-2-Win questions though, as it has come up a few times:

As you all know, with PlanetSide 2 SOE have gone to a huge amount of effort to build an F2P experience from the group up where pay to win isn't the solution. I mean, how many times have Matt & Smed talked about sidegrades, cosmetic purchases and the importance of maintaining a fair & level playing field?

So in my eyes it simply doesn’t make sense for us here in Europe to tamper with the exquisite & finely tuned gameplay balance of PlanetSide 2. I think adding a bunch of über-power items so we could just turn a quick buck would fly in the face of a lot of the idea and beauty of PlanetSide 2.

So while it might happen in the future where we may have some exclusive items on either end (I’d dare say at this stage it would be mostly cosmetic stuff), we will strive to ensure that they fit within the awesome PlanetSide 2 gameplay framework.

So no, there's no plans to change the PlanetSide 2 F2P model in Europe.
No problem man, Take your time, its better for all of us that the answers you are going to give us are correct.

And the F2P stuff sounds good. I really don't mind exclusive cosmetic things for us, just make sure that the gameplay changing things in the game, are the exact same things as the US ones. And I have no problem playing on the EU servers
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