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Old 2012-07-30, 03:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #84
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Re: Questions for Pro7

Originally Posted by Piper View Post
So it's purely staffing related? That must be possible without farming it out as a franchise if wanted by SoE?

But okay. Got any details on why it was awarded to this company as opppossed to another? Hang on, I'll go read the whole thread.
Pro7 is a massive media company in Europe. Even tho most out of Germany have never heard of them, its likley that you watch one of their channels every now and then.
Their advertising power is much much larger than anything SOE could pull off here in Europe. Why not just pay Pro7 to do advertising then? Well, obviously Cash.

If Pro7 would be paid for a proper advertising campaing, SOE would pay millions, plenty of millions. With this deal, with PRo7 maintaining the Community and customer support, its in Pro7s own interrest that the games get loads of players and good support. SOE saves loads of cash and even gets more, means they can spend more on actually creating games.
Thats at least how i understand it.

Originally Posted by HEISTT View Post
Mostly cosmetic stuff being exclusive to one region. It sounds like Pro7 will have free reign over what will or will not be offered for purchase in the store.

I was never fond of the fact that SOE will outsource some of its operational tasks to a European company, but it seems like I will definitely be considering playing on US servers if the EU version is vastly different than the US version. Why can't the items offered in both regions be exactly the same? And we haven't even touched on pricing differences...
Nobody every said that they WILL be different. Read what he wrote!
Brolly said that there is the potential for exclusive items in the future, but that doesnt mean that this is bound to happen, or that it will be vastly different.
As for pricing: See a few replys ago, someone actually posted that DCUO goes absolutly smooth and the prices are the same. DCUO is now being managed by Pro7 btw.

Originally Posted by bjorntju1 View Post
Not really, Dutch isn't on the list.

And I know it says ''including''. But I don't expect that there are any more lanuages. Because if there are more, then why don't they just put them on the list?

I do have to say that I don't mind it isn't in my language, since I can write English pretty good (imo ) But I don't think they will have support for every language, and I can also understand that since you need a lot of different people for that.
Ive seen a longer list in the FAQ. A much Longer.

Originally Posted by Piper View Post
If, and I'm still reading, Pro 7 have essentially financial independence, they're expected to generate their own income from PS2 and provide a service from it, then er....hmm.....back to reading, but urgh.

The Werner hamster was one thing nine years ago, this is a whole other kettle of fish.

SOE is still hosting the servers. Pro7 manages Community and support.
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