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Thread: Systems: E-Sport
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Old 2012-08-19, 08:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #65
Archonzero's Avatar
Re: E-Sport

read the post, eSports as in it's current format. Requires boundaries, which is where you get instanced 3v3,5v5,7v7 and 10v10 matchups. Sounds like an option that while I'm sure would have a % of players competing in, but should have absolutely nothing to do with the regular gameplay. Nor should the rewards offer up "gladiator/warlord" uber pvp gear that you can only attain via eSport ranking/success/points w/e.

Instanced pvp with many other open world pvp MMOs ended up killing off world pvp, created uber elitist jerkwads (not all) who were mostly to snobbish to actually contribute to their outfits or faction, outside of hooking up for venues that would get them the fancy things they needed, f'd off to their arena systems never to be heard of from again.

The idea, while entertaining for both viewer an players just sounds like a divisive element that can make unwanted waves.

MIND you, if it could also have a completely different take IF, say the eSport element was actually an athletic styled SPORT, rather than a small scale tactical matchup. Something like Pyramid, from Battlestar Galactica or Rollerderby's where factions have their own league of teams that play off against each other for a top tier position. The top 3 Faction league teams then get put into a Playoff rivalry with the other 2 Factions top 3 teams for a championship title. This could build up faction based community pride knowing they've "Faction" champs in the field of battle alongside them.

On a final note though, I don't really care for the idea. If you want tactical Sci-Fi eSports, there's plenty of other games that fit that bill. Firefall, Global Agenda, Blacklight Retribution, just to name a few.
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