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Old 2012-08-22, 09:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Re: "Controlling" world populace

Whoever genuinely thinks we need to control and reduce world populations should take individual responsibility and start by shooting themselves in the face. If you think we have an overpopulation issue you should take the next logical step and solve the problem "in house". Maybe you might inspire a few of us. You might even go down as a hero. Either way you will have progressed the agenda you believe in.

Oh but maybe you meant that we should kill or sanction other people to reduce the population right? Not you?

You obviously dont believe in equality then, so it literally is just your selfish self-serving attitude that wants less people around you. Best thing is for you to go out and shoot other people in the face. Become a soldier, and kill other aggression filled murder-inclined individuals. Stop them, and yourself from breeding. Unsurprisingly Im completely cool with those who want to kill people killing each other. It cancels out the problem and they have consent and equality in that. If some humans have got to go it should be them first. I'll build an arena for you lot to do it safely, where all of us peaceful folk can be on the outside. But you probabally dont care about collateral damage so probabaly wouldnt use it.

Oh but maybe you're too chickenshit to take responsibility as an individual and actually try and fix this problem you've identified. Thats why your here talking about what other people should do. You're not willing to shoot yourself, to shoot someone else, you're not willing to individually go around irradiating mens testes, your not in a bio-lab inventing the next population culling disease, you're not the one convincing others to have less children. Your not the one enforcing the chinese model.

Either which way this topic smacks of inequality. There is no way that you would encourage any of these "control" measures to be placed directly on you, your friends and your family members.

They should birth-control other families, not mine.
They should kill other families, not mine.
They should irradiate other families reproductive organs, not mine.
They should convince other families to have less children, but not mine.
Hunger and famine for other people, not me.
I love the Chinese model for population control.... .... so long as it stays in China.

All discussion on this topic just adds up to a trespass against human consent somewhere down the line, therefore I do not endorse any form of "control".


Last edited by RageMasterUK; 2012-08-22 at 09:22 AM.
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