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Old 2012-09-07, 03:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: The Endless Resupply exploit + fix

Originally Posted by Helwyr View Post
Sorry Renegadeknight you may go off solo or w/e but your posts in this thread have clearly shown your colors and you're definitely not speaking in the interests of solo or casual players.

I was completely happy with the original Planetside in terms of soloing and it was fine for casual players just to jump in and get involved, and yes have a reasonable degree of self sufficiency. But for some reason you think that it's an improvement that players like me have to go around with all these handicaps.. lose shield regen for health regen? seriously lol! And what some casual player jumps in the game runs around solo fighting for his faction or even part of some random squad, but he's running around on few slivers of health after the first firefight looking for a medic player, because you think that's great gameplay?

Speaking of self sufficiency, why is that you can be an engineer and pilot and drive vehicles? What do you have to give up to be a self repairing tank gunner/driver or self repairing pilot who can easily just whiz on by to one of those ammo towers for a reload? How is they can be self sufficient but Infantry classes like Infiltrators and LA who seem purpose built for solo play cannot? Perhaps if Medics are supposed to be the only ones able to heal, Infiltrators should be the only ones to hack consoles/control points and take control of bases/outposts.. "team work" yay!

Seriously this conversation is just ridiculous, some of you guys need to really stop and think about what you asking for and what's motivating you to try so hard at handicapping certain classes/playstyles.
Low health is in no way a death sentence, it really isn't. Your shields always take the damage first, and if your actually trying to be careful you would try to prevent health loss. I have survived with one health point and just shields. As for the vehicle engineer combo, I guess you do have a point there, but than again he picked an engineer to pretty much repair the vehicle. You can heal yourself as a medic similar to being able to heal your vehicle as an engineer. There are also medic packs(they're ingame now but broken) which can be used to heal yourself, and infiltrators are suppose to be able to hack equipment terms which they could resupply from(don't take that as 100% though as I'm not completely sure.). I do play solo alot and have no intention of making it unplayable(it is completely playable) I just don't like the super soldier feel. As I said before, I'm fine with self heal, but it should be a trade off for something(the other guys suggestion of shield wasn't really a good one as they pretty much fill the same role). Don't think anyone soldier should have everything. The last thing I'm going to say is if worse comes to worse die and respawn, your going to die a lot and really should except that. Worst thing that comes from dieing is a short trip from a gal or spawn.

Last edited by Renegadeknight; 2012-09-07 at 03:55 AM.
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