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Thread: Spitfires
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Old 2012-10-08, 10:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Re: Spitfires

Originally Posted by Crator View Post
Stop being silly. Most everyone liked the AI (Alien Invasions) ideas that SOE had. People don't want that in a pure PvP game.

Well, PS1 was a war game. People used CE in PS1 to strategic advantage. Players control CE and players control the destruction of CE. It's all very player controlled.
Well among the players I played with not even one could come close to stomaching the idea of alien invasions. Kill ai mobs. Been there done that as you like to say.

Id be fine with remotely controlled turrets. You know the kind that a player actually controls. But I wouldn't call tossing down your kill bot and walking away player controlled. I remember seeing kills pop up in ps1 from turrets I had entirely forgotten about (granted they only killed idiots but that's the primary target for automated turrets everywhere).

Originally Posted by Buggsy View Post
Actually it's more like WOW because there are no spitfires. In the Era of WOW, pets have been nerfed, just like here in PS2, if you consider a mine/spitfire a pet. Anyone notice how pets, in the Era of WOW, do less than 25% of your avatar's damage. Yeah.
As it stands now ps2 has no pets. Yet you say its somehow more like wow because they adjusted the way the pets in wow work? Sounds more like 1 game has pets and 1 game doesn't. Adding pets only makes it more like wow.

Originally Posted by Buggsy View Post
Actually it's quite like your average BF3 game, you log off, and log on the next day and you got a 50% chance it's in enemy hands. We've been there, done that.
It's already pretty clear to anyone that has taken a serious look at the beta that some kind of lattice system is required to establish some kind of rolling front line. But that's a whole other issue completely separate from the whole turret problem.

Originally Posted by Raka Maru View Post
You obviously think twitch gaming face to face is what PS is about.

There are a lot of tactics involved from support, supply, and when they fix it, CE also.
I think the combat as it stands now is anything but twitch face to face action. Sure you can get by on that to some degree but you can secure a victory far more reliably from simply positioning yourself properly and advancing at a disciplined pace.
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