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Old 2012-11-25, 12:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: A10-5800K APU, Anybody Tried it yet?

Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
With no discrete GPU? Only the integrated one?

**** ! i'VE JUST TESTED MY FPS AND IT'S PRETTY BAD actually. Around 15-20 or a bit more - that would mean unplayable in FPShooter terms. Seems Smegz was right if this readout is right, (I haven't played anything so long I don't even know what it means a good performance) It seems that i will have to install windows 7 again if that means getting a better performance. (and i've really tried to remain on the good side ) I will try installing Windows 7 on my old HDD and report back how it went

Anyway PS2 is the only game i'm interested in playing for the moment (and it was awhile when i played something as I said, almost a year or so) so it would interest me very much how the crossfire fares in PS2.

Ok, I will try installing Win7 on my old HDD and report back how it went.
Well, that was during one of the beta periods, right after they did some optimization and before they started stress testing the servers. When I say playable, I mean 30-40 fps in most places, but come anywhere close to the crown and it'd drop to single digits. Still, I could dog-fight in my reaver just fine. System specs there: A6-3650 with HD6530D and 4GB of DDR3-1600.

However, now with release, performance has taken a big hit - I suspect largely because I play on Matherson (which is always full). Regardless, even my i5-3570K with two cross fired 5770s struggles to go above 30 FPS. Now I'm looking at buying a 670 (or even a pair of them) on Monday. So once I get that in, I'll just buy another case and rebuild my older Phenom setup with the two 5770s and see how they do in WINE.

As far as crossfire in windows, I can tell you that my personal experience so far is that it makes a difference for the better, especially if you do some clever tweaking in CCC. However, I am still looking to get away from AMD, because (david vs Goliath arguments aside) the driver is just horrible at handling cross fired profiles of games they haven't bothered looking at (read:PS2) - the driver crashes frequently, and three quarters of the time, the game crashes with it.
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Last edited by Ailos; 2012-11-25 at 12:09 AM.
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