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Old 2012-12-21, 02:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: Huge Outfits and PlanetSide 2

Originally Posted by MrBloodworth View Post
I don't think anyone wants to restrict large outfits, only gain more opportunity for small outfits to participate.
I would like to limit large outfits from using the "everyone suicide and..." device. Malorn really sung up the praises of The Enclave, but this is their primary tactic, which is both lame in general (death traveling) and far too effective of a power multiplier. I loathed taking part in it, because it felt spastic, abusive, and flat out boring (win win win and maybe have someone to shoot at with 50 other people shooting at them too...), but the tactic worked so who was I to say anything. The trouble is, it works for all large groups at the expense of the game.

The trouble isn't the large groups, but how they use the game to achieve the easiest route to "victory", ie. Death travel, vehicle spam, and superior numbers rather than superior skill.

The stuff in this thread is why I don't play - the game is boring in a zergfit and boring not in one, so why bother doing more than logging in to shoot stuff and blow stuff when the mood strikes? Fix these issues (and the performance issues, as beta played smoother...) and PS2 will be worth playing. Right now there's just no point nor any variety to the game.
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