PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Gameplay: what about a "urban" type continent?
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Old 2013-02-04, 02:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Re: what about a "urban" type continent?

Originally Posted by Micro View Post
Wow! You did that yourself? Amazing!

I do also like the idea, but thinking about the lore I bet there really has been a single second of peace to build a city on Auraxis...
Not exactly. Photoshoping some images together was the extent of what I did.

Going by the lore they had centuries of peace in which to build cities.

Though the initial centuries after arriving on Auraxis were peaceful and prosperous years, lines had long ago been drawn between the emergent factions of the original settlers. Armed conflict slowly became an inevitability as ideological differences took hold. When the authoritarian Terran Republic and profit-minded New Conglomerate eventually broke out into full scale war, the borderline-cultic Vanu Sovereignty declared their independence and joined in the hostilities. Now, with all three factions vying for control of Auraxis and its resources, every soldier must declare a side and defend Auraxis from a seemingly endless stream of foes.

Last edited by Miir; 2013-02-04 at 02:10 PM.
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