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Old 2013-02-05, 02:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Ideas to improve the Lightning

Lightning improvement ideas

I have been thinking lately about the lightning, and after cruising some forums, I want to compile what I've gathered and point out where it is unintentionally flawed and end with some new ideas for weapons and stuff, and refer to some good ideas from other people.

So to start, the lightning has a very crucial flaw that annoys alot of people: getting stuck and flipping over more than it should. It also bounces a lot over any terrain that isn't paved. These could be fixed with the addition of a suspension system. It's tough to stage hit and run attacks if more of my precious time is devoted to accounting for this rough handling.

Speaking of the handling, the controls reversing when you go into reverse is a nightmare. I like the drifting (it feels like a chase if I'm in pursuit or running away) but the steering screws me up every time and I typically get killed in the lightning because of the controlls reversing.
Ex: I am rolling around the perimeter of a tech plant hugging the wall for cover when I round a corner and suddenly a wild MBT appears!
My first thought is to back the f up and hopefully bait him into following me, thus I would fire, and round the previous corner before that, flank him, and hit him from behind, presumably laughing like Woody Woodpecker.
But what happens in reality is that I back up, controlls flip, and I turn further out of cover, he shoots, and I die.
All of this ends in another thing being flipped: my desk.

Please offer your own opinions and experiences.

Now for additions: I will edit later to reference other threads.

So I had a few ideas for weapons. What if there was a gun that had low velocity, dreadful accuracy, but superb damage. Like a short barreled howitzer, but used for direct fire. This would be for up close armoured engagements, and its anti infantry capabilities are limited. Basically the shotgun of tank guns. You may laugh at it from afar, but it will straight up murder you without so much as a "howdy do" if you let it flank you. (You, seeing it come out from behind a building behind your MBT: "OH GOD HELP ME!"; the lightning with the gun: "GOD CAN'T HELP YOU NOW!")
It may have limited armour penetration (ie it does considerably less to frontal armour) thus encouraging flanking maneuvers.

Next idea: different shell types. I don't mean AP or HE, I mean things like colored smoke shells, designed to mark targets, or support infantry. They can kill infantry because of a blast of about 1 m. (Imagine the Lolz. Shooting a guy in the face and poof! Party smoke! Course you will have doomed yourself though...)
Other shells could be incindiaries (white phosphorous) and...anyone know of any other kinds of rounds? Basically you'd unlock them like a special grenade slot for infantry, and you'd have very limited ammo.

I'll keep adding as ideas come to me.

Last edited by Brogan; 2013-02-05 at 02:48 PM.
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