PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - New Liberator front gun: Long range cannon
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Old 2013-02-13, 05:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Rothnang's Avatar
New Liberator front gun: Long range cannon

I'd love to see some more options for the Liberator front gun. The tankbuster is pretty much the gold standard right now because of its staggering damage potential, and its a great weapon, but it has very little range. The Vektor is great at long range, but as a universal weapon that's just as much designed for aircraft combat as for shooting at tanks it just doesn't do enough damage to armored targets.

What I would like to see would be a true long range cannon. A large, long barreled weapon that fires armor piercing projectiles at a pretty low rate of fire, maybe one every two seconds or, maybe from a cassette of 3-5 with a firing speed of about two per second and an appropriate reload.

We're talking like a Bofors 40mm L70 type cannon in terms of looks, Maybe it would also be more of an RMK30 recoilless autocannon. Just something long and mean looking.

The weapon fires armor piercing projectiles that don't explode, so they aren't very dangerous to infantry, but potentially very deadly to tanks and turrets. They would have very little to no arc, and move very fast so it won't get too difficult to land long range shots, which is what the weapon is intended for. The overall damage potential would be similar of what a stock tankbuster can do, with the downside of not having a highly upgradable magazine. It trades the tankbusters rate of fire which assures at least some hits for greater range, but much fewer bullets so good aim is essential for success.
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