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Thread: Compatability
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Old 2013-03-07, 04:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Re: Compatability

Originally Posted by Silent Thunder View Post
Ok Spearka, here is the one reason why the "Other MMO's do this" thing has no bearing on this. PS2 is not an MMO in the performance aspect, it's an FPS first and foremost. In any single battle, your CPU has to track nearly 3-4x the amount of information than it would in say, a Battlefield match. This means that while an MMO has some very basic calculations needed by the user's computer; for Planetside your CPU is doing unit tracking, bullet physics, bullet collission, newtonian physics, and all sorts of other calculations. Comparing it to a regular MMO such as WoW or EVE is wholly irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Quite simply there is no way to get it running well with those specs. It's simply impossible. It doesn't matter how much you fuss and moan, it simply isn't going to work. Im sorry, but there is nothing anybody can do.

EDIT: Also quite frankly a decent gaming rig can be built for around the price of the next gen consoles, it is hardly "Selling your soul" to power a modern game.
last warning, i asked for advice, not discoragment from playing becuase it is "impossible" though it clearly isn't, i am not ignoring you, but posts that just say it is impossible(which seriously just says "you cannot play this, play some other lame game that isn't near PS2 but we just want you to go away hurr durr") i just want to play PS2, nothing more, nothing less so if you are just going to say it is impossible without cold, hard evidence, just go away yourself

P.S.i am definitely NOT willing to spend ludicrous amounts of money on "modern" hardware on just one game, my specs have already been good enough to run 20 games so why waste wads on one? (once again, i am not willing to stop playing PS2 full-stop)
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