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Old 2013-03-11, 09:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: Resources and SCUs in Rush-Lanes

I suppose you can have the base "reboot." For a few minutes. I know a common suggestion to prevent ghost capping and rampant back-hacking is to put a fixed timer on base captures. Meaning: Once a base is captured, X minutes must pass before it is attackable again.

Seems kind of like a bandaid solution but it works.

An alternative to this is would be to force the new owners to repair the SCU after the switch is thrown in the spawn room. It is only at that exact moment when attacking force repairs the SCU for their own use that the base flips.

Boosters could very well exploit this but it would be painfully obvious to any admins floating about and I'm sure some sort of automated system can be made to suspend people for base flipping. Not to mention that on the mini-map the base would be flashing back and forth for all to see.
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