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Old 2013-05-06, 02:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
Second Lieutenant
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Re: Indirect Artillery Vehicle

Originally Posted by Selerox View Post
I'd also add:

6. Each piece must be team operated.
7. Each person in the team has to do their part in turn before the piece can fire.
8. Each operation must take a certain amount of time and must be interruptible (like overloading a generator). If a step is interrupted, it only affects that step, not the whole process.
9. Add a skill tree to allow for certing into a "Gunnery" skill to allow for these operations to be faster.

Something like:

Spotter > Gunner (aim) > Loader 1 > Loader 2 > Gunner (fire)

Artillery should be something that requires a team effort and a logistical consideration to use.

It must not by a vehicle that can be operated by a lone gunner (even with the addition of a spotter).

I'm feeling wobbly. ALL THIS TROUBLE, and yet earlier, I could swear OP said he was agreeable to watering down the artillery until it was roughly comparable to a MBT. If this is accurate summation, it seems a waste of manpower vs the simplicity of a MBT.

Teamwork is GREAT, but this many guys for what one person can do with a MBT ? I don't see it being used much - if at all.

Now, I realize, true indirect artillery could land (lob) shells into pockets a MBT may not be able to get to or shoot into ......

Then later, I heard .... keep the indirect fire artillery piece on the buff side, but update bases to mitigate the possible spammage/damage, ...... why build it if we're going to automatically build a counter to it ?

Actually, if this tended to limit its use more towards the open battlefield vs spamming bases, that's more favorable (IMHO).

Maybe Mobile Mortar Battery or Missle Pod (on a Lightning ?) piece is a way to get this guy his indirect artillery ? Tie this Lightning Mortar Battery to a "spotter" with a laze pointer (of sorts) ...... Artillery Lightning (requires Lockdown Mode ?) would be sitting duck to Air - unless ample AA support ..... then the Teamwork angle kicks in ..... which is great.

Perhaps up to 3 Laze Pointers could be pulled from each Lightning mounted Mortar/artillery Battery. Laze pointers would send a very visible beam while "painting" it's target for the Lightning Pilots Mortar Battery. Each Laze pointer has a 5 minute cool down. If all three laze pointers got taken out at the same time, the Mortar Battery would have no targeting assistance to help it know where to aim, or what to lock on to ..... actually, make it require at least 20 seconds of constant target painting from a Laze before the Artillery Battery can acquire a target. Without Laze-assisted target lockon, it can not be fired.


Last edited by Chaff; 2013-05-06 at 04:27 PM.
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