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Old 2013-05-06, 05:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #99
Lieutenant General
Re: Indirect Artillery Vehicle

Originally Posted by Staticelf View Post
So we shouldn't do it because it would be an annoyance to armor setting still?
Read it again.

It's a source of frustration.

Players do not want to play games that give them frustration.

See Flails in PS1, they were so omnipresent and powerful, there was a significant drop in population of around 10%, that recuperated after they were significantly nerfed, the newness wore off and players pretty much decided for themselves to not use it because it caused frustration, felt cheap since you were getting kills on things you didn't even see (and often was used to spam a single sight, so no skill was required and it was pretty boring to use to due to that).

See BFRs in PS1, they caused a drop of 80% due to having an even greater impact.

What I'm saying is, the need in game for it is pretty low, it likely doesn't contribute to the game in any siginficant positive way, probably quite the contrary, will very, very, very likely cause significant amounts of frustration to players that - make no mistake - to some degree will remove themselves from the game in protest and is probably pretty boring to use.

All of that makes for very little reason to implement it.

Imagine that someone set up an AMS after a drive of many minutes. Next thing he knows, it's being shelled by mortar fire and you can't really stop it. Those players will give up if that happens too often and frustrates their already hard task of staying alive.

In general, many FPS players have a hatred for area of effect weapons, particularly if this is indirect fire and even more if it can be spammed regularly. You may recall Thumper plasma spam. This came strongly out of the PS1->PS Next survey and the devs stated they wanted to avoid indirect fire as much as possible.

So can you imagine I just don't see the benefit of it? You think it sounds cool or nifty etc, but that doesn't mean it is actually good for the game or will be a feature loved by all players. There have been tons of people that have suggested things like huge epic size flying outfit cruiser to rain vehicles and infantry and death from above. One even suggested it "had to have enough hitpoints to sustain hours of continuous fire"... And he saw no problem with that and thought we were just nay-sayers for the sake of nay-saying.

In the end, some ideas just won't work in this game context. That goes especially for powerful stuff.
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