PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues
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Old 2013-05-14, 10:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

First I gotta comment on one awesome change. I've played a lot of FPS games with capture modes, where the cap point always shows in your field of view so you can easily navigate to them. I've always had a huge issue with those big flashy icons getting in the way, they always seem to cover that window from your favorite spot, or give cover to an open area, and just blocks your line of sight on an usually open area.

But in PS2 you up the transparency of screen icons when aiming down the sight, AWESOME!

Turret direction indicator for Vehicles
As in a ground vehicle driver will have rotating turrets on his green vehicle health image. That show the direction of his gunners. Can do the same for Libs and Galaxies.

Missile Tracking
Some kind of range indicator for incoming locked missiles. A range count down would be ideal, but maybe a faster toned lock on beep? Faster it beeps closer the missile is?

Elevation Indicator for Radar
Mainly beneficial against aircraft, but also good against ground. A primitive solution, but identifies my point, is putting tiny elevation numbers under a vehicle on your radar. But I like the idea of a simple "Above YOU" or "Below YOU" style. Like you could place a small " ^ " above a vehicle if it's a higher elevation then you, and it could get bolder/larger/different color depending on how far above you they are.

Elevation Indicator for Incoming Damage
When you take damage, you get the red curves around your center view indicating what general direction it came from. It's how games implement situational awareness. I propose putting a " ^ " on the inner arc of that damage indicator (so pointing towards the center) if the damage is coming from above you, and again it can grow based on distance. Then another on the outer curve if it's below you.

Vehicle Equipment Swap
I can understand this not being in, really. Because if it's used too often it could allow for too much versatility, letting one ESF do everything. But it think it'd be ok with a cost, like it requires and consumes your aircraft's cooldown. Or a high resource cost.

Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none

Last edited by Lonehunter; 2013-05-14 at 11:29 PM.
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