PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Easy way to make vehicle reequipable
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Old 2013-05-15, 09:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Re: Easy way to make vehicle reequipable

Originally Posted by Whiteagle View Post
They can't do it, believe me I've asked...

Apparently every entity in the game is rendered as a whole, which is why your character needs to deconstruct and reconstruct each time you resupply...

So the reason we can't switch vehicle weapons is because when it is constructed the game sees it as Vehicle A-Weapon Options B and C instead of Vehicle A plus Weapon Options B and C...
...In other words, it classifies things as solid wholes instead of bodies with bits attached.

I assume this was to streamline intercontinental transfers, but since that isn't in the game yet...
It's probably used to keep it easier to track entities on the clients. In general the more information you need to check each cycle the slower it is. Even being able to remove 1-2 extra properties per object can radically reduce the amount of cycles required to render, thus allowing you to increase the scope.

This is most likely a product of them having 2000 player continents.

With this setup they could do what phungus said in the original post. If you have a vehicle spawned you can pull another of the same type at no cost or effect to your timer. Pretty simple.

Given the location of vehicle terminals it would be really hard to abuse such a function in game.

Last edited by wasdie; 2013-05-15 at 09:44 AM.
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