PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues
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Old 2013-05-15, 12:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #166
Mustakrakish's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

  1. Weapon stability on vehicles. Since GU08, I feel like I've got Parkinson's sometimes when I jump in the gunner's seat. (I know it's not relevant to GU09, but could we perhaps get a Weapon Stabilizer cert chain for vehicle weapons sometime in the future?)
  2. Some method of instantly entering a squadmate's vehicle when it's spawned would be great, especially for aircraft. It'd cut down on the vehicle pads turning into parking lots, and you wouldn't have to worry about pubbies flooding into your Sunderer if you've already got a squad waiting to jump in.
  3. I'd like to see the changes to auto-resupply that are up on the Public Test Server implemented.
  4. It'd be cool if the stat display for weapons in the loadout menu reflected the changes in the weapon's performance due to attachments.
  5. Add an "Un-squelch" button in the Voice & Chat menu. Having to manually reset the volume for channels to un-mute them is kind of time-consuming.
  6. Speaking of Voice & Chat menu, it'd be great if any user-created voice channels showed up on their own tab.
  7. Make decals show up on top of Composite Armor if it's equipped. Otherwise nobody can see my awesome Classic Reaper decal.
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