PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?
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Old 2013-05-29, 07:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Re: Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?

Originally Posted by Sunrock View Post
Having that sad I think the devs focus too mush of "fixing" things after they release a new game rather then concentrate on putting in new stuff.
Agreed 100%. There's a very fine line when things don't need to be tweaked, changed completely, etc. A new addition like Hossin would alleviate a lot of the complaints on certain aspects of the game.
There comes a point where you accept a game for what it is, and I think we're past that point now for PS2. It definitely can improve, it will improve, but it's not bad enough now to continually push back real content additions.

Take a look at any MMO out there that has released expansions. Active players continually drop up until the expansion releases and then it spikes up *some*. By pushing back the expansion, they lose more and more players that they essentially don't regain. There's only one thing that PS2 needs to survive and that's a large player base. World domination games are boring when there's no one to fight against consistently.

I can accept that Hossin is not coming out until after September, but I will not accept Searhus releasing until a year after that. The timeline has to be pushed up.
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