PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - TK'ing 4th factioners, SOE policy?
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Old 2013-07-10, 09:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant General
Baneblade's Avatar
Re: TK'ing 4th factioners, SOE policy?

You forgot the Accidental Mother Fucker:

Meatsack 1: Hey, let's footzerg across the path of this armor column.

Meatsack 2: Great idea!

*Baneblade mows Meatsack 1*
*Baneblade mows Meatsack 2*

Meatsack 2: That Mother Fucker TKed us?!

Meatsack 1: I have an idea, let's pull a totally stock Vanguard and go TK him.

Meatsack 2: Great Idea!

*Baneblade kill two Meatsacks in a Tank*

Meatsack 2 -> Baneblade: You Mother Fuckin TKing bitch! Reported!

Baneblade -> Meatsack 2: Self defense.

Meatsack 2 -> Baneblade: Bullfuckshityouranusoverbitchcakes

Baneblade -> Meatsack 2: Accidental

Thus the Accidental Mother Fucker TKer.
Post at me bro.

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