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Old 2013-07-22, 03:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #116
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Re: Roadmap Resource Revamp & Continental Lattice Updated

Originally Posted by Malorn View Post
Whether it is a module, what can equip the module, or whether it is a standalone vehicle is something we'd like your feedback on.

Can you offer up some good uses of an ANT beyond a space truck? We want all the vehicles to have a well defined role and to be fun. Being a space trucker doesn't seem like it is worth the trouble or worth investing in...what other cool uses do you think the ANT and its power mechanic might bring to make it an interesting and fun vehicle to invest in?
If you didn't create a brand new vehicle for resource gathering, I think it'd be worth while to visually indicate on the existing vehicles that they were configured to carry resources. You could do this in such a way that the overall model rigging and animation of the vehicle didn't need to change. This would (I imagine) save on development time.

For Example:
  • Supplies for Attackers
I think the basic concept of hauling resources around lends itself to at least one additional role for such a vehicle. I'm not sure how the Sunderer's current deploy terminal would play into the new resource system, or if any changes are planned for how soldiers rearm in the field, but it sounds like one problem the new resource system could introduce would be that of attacking armies running into resource problems.

If players depend on a base to replenish their resources, you could allow resource vehicles to provide a similar, if reduced effect within a limited radius. This would add the "supply line" aspect to both the attackers and the defenders, adding a logistical challenge and something new for both sides to attack / defend.
  • Large Deployables
There has been talk since BETA about player deployables. I think its come up recently in various dev talks as well in the form of a potential continent where there are no bases by default, and players are responsible for constructing and managing all of the structures in that area.

One intermediate step towards that (glorious) day might be large deployables. Objects that are larger than the one-man turrets we currently have, but smaller than full sized buildings. Objects that might be transported in and deployed from vehicles outfitted for such a task. These might include:
  • Deployable, static Radar / Sensor Suites
  • Larger and more varied deployable turrets (perhaps something closer to what bases have)
  • Modular Cover (akin to sandbag walls)
  • etc.

An obvious method of balancing larger deployable turrets might be to make them dependent on those same supply vehicles for ammunition, rather than giving them the infinite ammo that base turrets currently enjoy.

All this to say I think the question of what such vehicles could bring to the battlefield can be most directly answered by considering what sorts of equipment and resources one might want on the battlefield that would be too heavy or voluminous to be carried around by infantry.
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