PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - factions not unique enough?
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Old 2013-07-29, 01:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Re: factions not unique enough?

I'm all for unique empire weapons.

At the same time I think most of the "Primary" guns - the carbines, ARs, LMGs ect. - should be roughly within some parameters with empire guns clustering around the empire traits without adhering absolutely to them. But with a couple unique options (which do exist...except I feel the VS gets a bit shafted there)

NC guns are nearly all a damage-tier (or more!) above the others.
TR guns are mostly higher ROF than the others.
The VS are mostly in-between and you have to introduce a third axis drop leaves something to be desired.
Obviously there are some overlaps.

A good example of the "unique"-type weapons is in the AR category, with the "long range" guns.
The NC have the Reaper DMR with 200 damage and a small magazine.
The TR have the Saber which is super-accurate burst fire.
No other ARs feel like those guns.
...then the VS get the Corvus, which is just a damage tier bump and ROF hit but otherwise not very different from anything (though it is one of my favorites).

It'd be nice to have more of that kind of thing. But it'd be nice for the VS to have something more "unique" than "an average of NC/TR traits"

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