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Old 2013-08-07, 06:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
PSU Moderator
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Re: Is it just me? SOE Live Ultimate Squad Showdown

Not going to get into the morality of SOE's choice to only the show the scores of the top 10 outfits/teams that participated.

Can I see why you and others might be a wee bit pissed at not being mentioned? Sure, you paid to participate in a tournament. I could see a lot of actual sport teams be right pissed if they were omitted from ranking lists.
Can I see why SOE is only going to be showing the top 10? Sure, while they could easily mention all participants this time around it could also become a rather lenghty list later on. So I can see it being a "Out of principle" sort of thing.
Personally I would have had an official top 10 ranking and a viewable (But not officially shown) list of all the participants and how well they did, for those wanting to know.

Was Radar being rude? Not really, at least I don't see it that way. He didn't refer to you as being entitled, but that no one is entitled to the tournament information. For whatever reason.
It is SOE's prerogative to run events how ever they want to. You and others are of course free to complain, as paying customers (So to speak). If that doesn't help then you are also free to not participate again in the future until such
time as things change more to your liking.
It's a free market and as such they don't have to make changes based on complaints nor do you have to accept their decision on the matter.

All this aside I don't know what Radar meant by stating that the top 10 list is supposed to prevent negative debates from taking place. What kind of data do they have that could start such a thing?
Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature

*Disclaimer: When participating in a discussion I do not do so in the capacity of a semidivine moderator. Feel free to disagree with any of my opinions.

Last edited by ChipMHazard; 2013-08-07 at 07:03 PM.
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