PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return
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Old 2013-08-18, 12:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Sergeant Major
Re: Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return

Originally Posted by Maidere View Post
I'm for it, but not gonna happen. Most of the people think that sniping from the cliff = being tactical.
If you die and they survive, it is.

I'm defiantly not a good sniper and I do get a touch annoyed when sniped from far away but they can touch me and I can't touch them because sniping's not my strong point. A tactic be definition is the ability to take advantage of a situation or to put the enemy at a disadvantage. Next you'll complain that engineer turrets aren't tactical because it's camping on a spot and giving them an unfair advantage.

And I don't see how a killcam would be tactical since it would be a pure game mechanic and certainty not realistic in any way in the warzone. It's cheap and it's lazy and more people would rage quid because of it if it's added.

However, while playing ghost recon future soldier a wonderful idea occurred to me. UAV drones. Have it for engineers only (or perhaps infiltrators as well) and you have an eye in the sky (of course, you can't do anything else while using the drone). And of course, it can only move so far before the signal is lost (to prevent overpowered spying). So basically, you get a tiny target and can see from really high up (so unless you're the best sniper on earth or a hacker the chances of it getting shot from far away are slim). You can't see behind rocks in the distance but you can see the terrain from a first/3rd person perspective. People can look around yet cover is still used as an advantage (unless seen coming out of it by the UAV). Also you should be able to spot with the drone, but defiantly no weapons on it. That would be op.

Last edited by Taramafor; 2013-08-18 at 12:11 PM.
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