PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return
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Old 2013-08-19, 04:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #87
Re: Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return

lol it's a good thing I get bored at the office. incoming wall of text haha.

Originally Posted by Rolfski View Post

You said it yourself, the game has already many artificial elements that aid you. Kill-cam is just another element in that row, which really makes me think why people hyper-react so much on this one.
What made kill-cam in COD such a traumatizing experience that people are so raging about it? For me personally, it was a great feature in COD that really improved my game play. It never destroyed my tactical play, never felt to me that I couldn't go stealth, never gave me the feeling it revealed my "secrets". If anything, it made me stay more mobile, which is not a bad thing.
Kill Camera is not just another "artificial element" akin to tracer fire or HUD damage indicators. The only one of the examples that I listed which I'd even really drop in the category of artificial interface is the damage indicators on your HUD but really that's just to compensate for the games inability to provide you the sensory information of where your getting shot. It has a clear purpose of filling the role of identifying an attacker via a physical indicator of getting hit, something you would be able to do in real life which you can't do in a videogame (ie ouch I got shot in the back of the leg so he fired from behind me) the game can't make me feel the ouch so it gives me the display; these are functions essential for simulating sensory information. a kill-cam doesn't add to sensory immersion it takes away from it.

Secondly, I don't really see how this is hyper/over reacting to the concept of kill-cams, a lot of people have given logical arguments why they think it's a bad idea; but I havn't seen too many people getting emotional over it or anything lol. It's not that they were mentally scarred by playing games with killcams, it's simply that they don't believe it belongs in Planetside and while you may have enjoyed the kill cam function and never found that it inhibited your gameplay experience doesn't mean that it doesn't affect others (hell I used to play a ton of CoD and I can think of thousands of times where I got an easy kill on an opponent who had just caught me by surprise because I saw where he was on the killcam); it's a fact people play differently and for different reasons; the kill cam is a feature that has a notable negative impact on some of these players while bringing very little in the way of necessary depth.

Finally you have to look at how it would affect competitive play; I mean to start with you have a feature that punishes a player for winning an engagement which in of itself is derp, and then you have removing tactical positioning and ambush techniques. In a game like Call of Duty where you're restricted to a self-contained 20ish minute match with sporadic spawn locations the gameplay is by necessity much more hectic and altering, your team of 6-9 players is almost never holding a static front, even at the pro level it's pretty much just a giant shitshow half the time so you're constantly relocating because the enemy spawns are constantly adjusting, it actively/intrinsically promotes a close quarters run & gun playstyle.

Planetside is a whole different ball game where you regularly have large static fronts where battles can last hours along a front that may only shift 50 meters from where it began and it has much deeper/long term strategic goals as well as room for varied styles of gameplay. Should a sniper who picks off some nosey infantry getting too close to a key unscouted sunderer position be a waste of time because he could see the sunderer on his screen? Kinda lame in my opinion.

As for you concern about new players.. Well I can understand them being confused about strategic objectives, how to spawn vehicles, and general unfamiliarity with how to interface with the environment/where to go etc..sure..but a kill cam won't solve that. As for the actual combat...pretty damn basic to be honest, there's a red team, a blue team, and a purple team, you have a gun, when you shoot at stuff it gets hurt, if I see a hail of bullets coming from a hill at me I know somebody in a hill is shooting at me and I better get somewhere he cant see me, get sniped by someone you can't see..ok I know that's not a safe place to stand...that's all basic common sense lolol, if that's whats holding back the player base you're referring to it's not the games fault. I've personally introduced a few people to PS2 and while they might take a while to get used to the gunplay/objectives/interface there really wasn't that huge of a curve.
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