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Old 2013-09-27, 09:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Computer specs questions

Some time ago I build my own computer. The specs are the following

Phenom x6 (2.8 GHZ 3.0 on turbo)
6 GB ram (single channel 1333mhz)
ATI 5770 1024 GDDR 5 (I have another one but turning on crossfire screw the fps)

I bought that CPU because I though that eventually games will start using more cores. I was wrong, in 2 years most of games run in 2 cores and processor heavy ones run on 4 cores. So I'm having 2 cores laughing at me.

I'm considering buying a new one with 4 cores and more mhz. I have an AM3 socket.

Also I'm considering buying another ram (Actually I have 4gb + 2 gb) And change the 2 gb for a 4 gb for the dual-channel.

My graphic card could be a bottle neck. But I normally have a steady 40-50 fps on medium crowded places, and in large battles I drop to 15-25 fps (depends on the place) and tha games says that the CPU is the bottleneck. Also if I upgrade the CPU maybe the crossfire could do the trick.

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