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Old 2013-10-16, 07:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Re: there are no good outfits- only annoying ones :)

I'll just rate it from worst to best

winner of the most "never seen unless it's in a zerg" are Dignity of War (DIG)
Nearly as bad, are French connection (FRC) lots of air, and when things don't go their way (usually when our zerg meets theirs) they run away.
Of similar smell are Les Scorpion du Desert (LSD) but with Tanks.

When we see LSD or FRC it's Strijker time for us, because the tube wants to be feed.

On the PLUS side

We used to be somewhat worried when 252nd Spec Ops (252V) were around, but either we've gotten better, or they've had a bad run. (and in case you're wondering, we rarely zerg, and If we do, that's because the zerg built itself around us.)
A large outfit, that seems to be well trained are Deathwatch Gaming (DWG) when we see them it's a matter of time before we're overrun with ZOE max and a very effective logistics tail of engis and medics. They also do good Magrider attacks.
We've had run-ins with Airborne Task Force (ABTF) who run a mean and fast little group.
Also very effective at CQC are German Army Rangers (GAR) they have the scatmax down to an art. lots of squad drops. Nasty.

I do have to admit i am not sure how DIG & DIGT (Dignity of War tactical) are related, but the later seems to give us the occastion
I've noticed Jianji (JNJ) people playing, but rarely as an organized team (not that it hasn't happend, just not much). It's kind of toss of the dice there- sometimes good, sometimes not.

Last note, Miller is the last server to be free of zergfits (i'm looking at you AZON and MM... not that it's not nice when you help us out ), so I guess everyone adapts to survive- can't blame them for it- but some do it diffrently.
useful,tactical& easy dev. combat support vehicle- CSP
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