PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Competitive TR outfits?
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Old 2014-01-03, 12:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: Competitive TR outfits?

Tr doesn't have an elite unit on this server, I think as a whole tr here are lax and sort of care free. Yes though, there are maybe two outfits who do try but have very poor tactics. I have personally been looking for a hard core outfit to join not only on this server but the other one I have my other characters on and yes I have found some spectacular outfits(not on this server) but they are made up of people who are high BRs and care a lot about their kill death ratios more then the tactics. So even though they do great tactical feats I don't fit in with that crowd.

I propose a new out fit made here on conery TR as it needs it the most, an outfit with like minded people who love tactics who love to have a organized squad with dedicated medics and engineers who keep the squad up on ammo and revive people who die so not only they don't need to take a hit on their kd but are right back where they need to be. Infiltrators that do what they are suppose to , being a support unit throwing down darts where they need to be and spotting targets for their air support units to converge on. Light assaults that can be called to be equipped to get on high ground if needed or flank with their mobility. Heavys that stay generally in front of the group to take the damage and dish it out.

I propose an outfit that if called by the squad lead a full squad of organized armor be pulled aka two repair busses an ammo sundered and three heavy tanksor if air becomes an issue two heavy tanks a sky guard and a lightning. This simple set up keeps every one shooting and not dying for a long long time. In this outfit the members who understand tactics will realize that maybe for every base we go we might have to hit out redeploy option and fall back to the warp gate and all be wheels up in a dedicated gal with in 30 seconds to drop on to a point or drop on to some enemy sunderers.

The leads in this outfit need to not only look are the map and figure out where the best base to go is and the time and how to get us there fastest but be able to strategically look at the land formations and understand how it effects the play, the importance of high ground and choke points.

The members of this outfit should be on the same page, they should understand that sometimes waiting in the middle of no where for five minutes to let the enemy roll past with out noticing you then you flank from behind is g a good thing and is exciting.

Yes I am hard core about tactics but this play style where everyone is side by side working together is fun if every one is on the same page, though it quickly becomes annoying when you are sitting and waiting for some clown who doesn't want to ditch his max.

So if we have an outfit like this on this server I will gladly join, but if not and people are interested I will not hesitate to make one. Because two squads of highly organized people can easily take on a fully platoon and win, and maybe even start changing the tides of these alerts.
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