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Old 2014-01-09, 08:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Wargrim's Avatar
Re: ESF Update from Kevmo

I was looking forward to the ( Locust Cannons? ) dual Gatlings as a CAS / Tank Busting alternative to the rocket pods. A10 Warthog Gau Avenger style strafing runs - yes please! The current rocket pods are ( imho ) better at farming infantry than at taking out vehicles, so i was hoping for a weapon that would be better at AV and much worse at AI.

Seems like Guided Missiles will take that role now. [Edit] Tank Busting, not CAS [/Edit] Depending on the implementation, this could be cool, and something i would trade in my pods for.

However i see a lot of ballancing conflict potential there. It will compete with rocket pods, it may compete against Dalton Liberators. And we all know how much Tankers love to be shot at by ranged missiles...

If it can lock BOTH on Air and Ground vehicles, i see even more conflict potential. Generally, i think dual use lock ons have always turned out to be a rather bad idea in this game. Both the Anihilator and the Striker were incredibly OP when they had an efficiency level against Air / Ground Vehicles compareable to the specialized launchers, combined with their flexibility and especially when used in great numbers. Anihilator / Striker Spam was able to completely deny an area to both Air and Ground Vehicles at the same time. When the Nerfs brought them down, they retained their flexibility, but compared to specialized launchers in the AA / AV role they are now profoundly *meh*.

And i think any dual use ESF Lockon Weapon, like the Guided Missiles, will end up in the same *meh* - spot after ballancing it. A dual use weapon that is as good as specialized weapons will always be OP.

I would really prefere it if the ESF Lockon Missiles were clearly separated between AA and AV ones.

I would really want the Guided Missiles to be like the Laser Guided tank busting missiles on modern day Attack Helicopters, and strictly anti ground vehicles only.

Low Ammo Capacity, high Damage, low ROF specialized weapons.


Like for example:

4 Missiles are one load under the wings, can be fired without a reload, but require to get a new lock and hold it each time. After the 4th missile is gone, you need to reload. Stock Ammo Reserve is 4.
100 certs for 2 more, 250 certs for 4 more, 500 certs for 6 more, 1000 certs for 8 more.

At maxed out ammo capacity, you would have 4 + 12 reserve = 16 missiles.

Directional damage on tanks. 2 rear hits to kill an MBT. 3 from the top without top armour. 4 from the top with top armour. 5+ to kill a Sundie that does not recieve repairs.

3 Cert lines for the lock on function:
- faster lock on
- more range for the lock on
- more tolerance for interruptions, meaning the time that the target needs to be hidden to lose the lock increases


A lot will depend on many small details for how good or bad guides missiles will be. Range? Damage? How easy will it be to lock onto someone?

I am very curious how it will play out, and i highly doubt it will work right from the start, i see a lot of ballancing to be done there.

I really hope they will go for the pure anti ground vehicle role in the end and not mingle things up again and just make everything more complicated.

Last edited by Wargrim; 2014-01-09 at 08:50 AM.
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