PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - NCJD Volume 2
Thread: NCJD Volume 2
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Old 2015-03-24, 08:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Chapter 3: Invasion of Marif (Part 2)

I jump off the ledge and sprint toward a parked NC sundy. TR sundy turrets begin shooting. Before it explodes, I change my armor to Anchor, and Commissioner. I dive for as the sundy explodes. The heat and shock is absorbed by my armor. I sprint for cover as the rapid fire of a Kobalt machine guns follows my footsteps.

I use the hover pad to return to the box and my outfit. We are defending heavily as the TR come surging up the stairs and hover pad.

"Someone get on that f*cking forcefield!" A woman screams. Lava begins to flow through the base. The base is lava proof, but we arent. "We need those shields up too!" A man yells.

"Adrian! Po! See If you guys can fix the force field!" I take cover. A mid range sniper has me. I roll to the right and he fires. Cloaking after missing, it's too late for him. He then catches me in the stomach with my mesh generator on, but I land 3 persistent shots to his face.

Jill and Marie join me kneeling. Every TR soldier that comes our way is eliminated. Lava begins to flow toward the tunnel.

"Yo, Blake. We're almost done with the forcefield," Po says.

"Woah hold off on that!" I say. "We get the lava flowing here it'll take care our sundy problem if not our TR infantry problem."

"Hey any engineers mind going on a suicide run? We need some tank mines in there. Tank mines+lava=boom" a female engineer asks.

"Cool," a man says.

"Yeah why not" another man says. Pretty soon, engineers are storming downstairs placing tank mines. The lava approaches the tunnel at 20 miles an hour. It melts the Sundies and infantry on the bottom floor.

"Everyone in a safe altitude?" Someone asks.

"Wouldn't really wanna be somewhere else," I say. I spot a man on fire screaming as his flesh and muscle is being melted off. I give him a mercy shot.

TR continues to come at us. A final stand. The lava flow is about 4 feet high and cooling. The entire floor is molten rock.

After about five minutes of shooting, we have capped the tech plant. We all head for Gals.

"Damn Marie," I begin, "You shot that guy in the nuts."

"It was an accident," Marie says laughing.

"Oh man, he was like 'please just kill me'" says Jill grimmacing.

"Jeez Marie, is that aim lacking?" Jerome chanlleges with smirk.

"Shots fired," Adrian yells from the cockpit.

"Hey let me know when you beat 32-5" Marie says.

"Tsk tsk tsk. 24-0 Hoe"

"Ah sh*t comeon!" Marie says.

"Black power." I high five Jerome.

"What do you guys think about Marif?" Hazel asks.

"It's ashy. Like Fred's elbows," Jeb remarks with a sneer.

"Haha nice!" Po says.

"You need some lotion bruh," Jerome adds.

"F*ck you guys," I says with a grin and midde fingers pointed out. "That lava is redder than your pubic hair so you're the one to talk."

Everyone hoots at my remark.

"I got out at the last second," Killian says getting out if his MAX suit. "Lava smelted my foot and armor together."

"Aww, need me to make it all better?" Sarah asks.

"Ah get a room," Hazel says. Sarah sticks her tongue out. We head directly through the warpgate to Poseidon.

"That was a good first outfit meetup" someone says.

"Kicked so much ass today," a woman says.

"OK, well I'm not fighting on Marif again," Adrian says.

"That lava was too close for comfort," A man agrees.

"It was hotter than me," Quinn says.

"Wow how cold was that lava?" Sarah says.

"But we know where all that ash comes from," Jeb says.

"You're all so salty." I say.
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