PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - News: Smedley - "Planetside 2 2.0 in September"
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Old 2015-07-06, 04:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Re: Smedley - "Planetside 2 2.0 in September"

Originally Posted by Warborn View Post
PS1 was an abomination of bad balance and worthless ideas. Many of the vehicles were useless, many weapons were essentially worthless, and everyone gravitated to cookie-cutter loadouts. Reavers/mossies in particular were hilariously imbalanced, being one-man murder machines in a game where tanks had a dedicated driver, plus they doubled as the ideal form of transport, and made galaxies next to worthless. As a game, PS2 is far better designed than PS1 ever was.

And the notion that skill mattered more in PS1 is similarly a laugh. The game didn't even have headshots, and weapons were amazingly primitive. It takes far more FPS skill to be successful in PS2 than in PS1. You do not know what you're talking about if you think BR and gear are what matters in PS2.

As for the blops criticisms, there's nothing about allowing players to switch on a whim in the roadmap description. It says that if pop becomes "heavily skewed" you may be prompted to temporarily switch to the underdog side. It will likely be random, and it will be contingent upon population imbalance. People won't be able to simply hop around sides as it suits them. I also don't believe you're correct in assuming that people will somehow leave the game if they play more than one side. Plenty of people have characters on two or three factions. Many outfits do cross-faction ops, where they play another empire for a day or a weekend every so often. This doesn't break down some hypothetical tribal affiliation (I expect most people don't really give a shit about their empire as a coherent team, only their outfit) but rather keeps the game fresh for longer.
I think you very wrong about skill in ps2, certainly I found it very much easier to get kills in PS2 than I did in ps1. And I got many kill streaks both as infantry, max and as a tank driver that were greater than any I got in Ps1. When I got 64 kills as a max in 20 minutes I realised it was stupid.

There were quite a few people in ps1 that I could just not kill, not so in ps2.

There are features in ps2 that flatten out the skill gradient put there purposely in order to encourage the greater number.
base design, headshots, quick ttk all flatten out the gradient
Base design - open with few chokepoints, easy to for vehicles to spam
Headshots and ttk - run around like a blue arsed fly and sooner or later you'll come up behind someone, aim shoot and that's a kill, start running again.
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