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Old 2004-12-12, 12:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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ok, an uber 1337 game by me


It's planetside basicaly planetside, but you can do baiscaly eveyrthing

Combat: All PVP Depends, in space you (can) have a ship you can outfit bases on the skills you have(ala EVE), the combat works like EVE to, untill you get to a base then the mariens that sit in your hold can get out and start trying to take over using your docked ships like an AMS. On the ground it works very similart to PS but you can do third person, different types of armor/weapons(based on skills), mech units(mini-bfrish) tanks, and planes, with two flight models, the fighter plane model witch is used for bombers and fighters(fighter are the counter to bombers, fighters are the counter to fighters, they don't mess with the Vtol's) The you have Vtols, like PS but they have more freedom of movment, like a regular heilo but less complicated. All of these things are based on skills that you learn in real time(basicaly eve, you can get the low end skill in 16 min but your not very good at it at all untill you train up supporting skills and that skil to a higher level)

No on the ground everything is based on the skill of the user so a high level char might be able to get a biger weapon but if he can't use it the new fresh out of spawn can kill him, in space however things depend far more on your trained skills.

Character: You select a base Empire, and then you can select a personality type, some better at space to begin with some better at ground ect. you get a few basic skills depending on what you choose. You get to customise your face and thats about it, as your clothing/armor will depend on both your empire and your outfit(you have to be in an outfit, there are several noob ones that have no leadership, and then player ones like outfits)

Player organization: first it has a stand alone Teamspeak thing that it host a server for evey outfit out there, it can be accesed in and out of game, and otherwise acts exactaly like TS.
Players can start up Outfits, and outfits can join alliances. The outfit selects a corps barracks were operations are based(on a planet or it can be space based). Then as the 'fit grows it can use outfit points to buy upgrades for their members weapons/armor/vechs. It can also you the points to buy manufacturing facilities, so if you loot an enemy weapons you can produce it and it's ammo(limited to 4 things being produced at once) then all of your 'fit members get access to it werever they would get stuff normaly.

Non-combat stuff: There is no monitary system other than outfit upgrades they were off after a month so you have to buy it again. If your trained in somethign you can get it no matter waht however some realy good stuff has a timer. TO move troops around you have to fly(you can fly them thoguth space to and make a reentry in a dropship) them around or drive them, unless your outfit can clame a station(a good dozen outfits can occupy one place) above the planet your fighting on. Spawning has no penalty other than a 30 sec timer. You have to control the station above the cont to use OS's (only leaders of squads, with command 3 and aboe trained can do it)

Maps/getting around: You fight over a planet, there are perhaps 2 dozen of them, each planet has a couple of continents, each with a few bases, these continents are small(3/4's cyssor) but contain true to scale things like cities, and montains and forests. Ie one cont is a mountianous destert, the other is a city in the middle of roling plains. To get from planet to planet you need to get on a (player)ship headed that way that has warp capibilities, once you have a station there you can use the empire transit to get from your home planet to that station. Once at a station you can get on a rentry ship and fly to a certian place or drop form the sation in a hart like pod to the continent it is situated above. Once on the ground you can capture a base and then directly warp from the home cont to the base, or station to the base, the warp also works in reverse, or you can take a drop ship back up. now travel works like PS except there are no Warp gates, you have to fly or boat or fly to space w/ a dropship and the reenter to get to other conts, or get the station above that cont.

Bases: Bigger than PS, some are airbases were you can get the bombers/fighter, some are infantry bases some are cavalry bases, some are starbases, there are atleast two of a base if it is on a cont, though not all conts have all bases. Getting equip. is bases upon what base you are at(basic stuff like light tanks smal gunships/transporsts are always availible)

EDIT!!!: OMG i forgot weapons!
Weapons: Basicaly all of the weapons are things that could be possible, Coil guns, Rail guns, lasers, Conventional stuff, nukes, antimatter ect. All based upon scientific fact, things like pulsars and lashers need not apply.
Ammo with be relistic, and be part of the outfit upgrade system, like the base, you have 7.62w/gun powder for standard weapons, solid metal slugs for rail/coil waepons, capasitors for laser weapons, But if you upgrade you can get Sabot ammo for accuracy, or rail gun ammo with a bit of antimatter in it for more punch. Same goes for rocket/missles. Outfit upgrades can also say get you a better rifle(lke a SOPmod M4 over the standard carbine), training weapons skills allows you to get these weapons/ammo types without expenditure of outfit points however.

wheww that was long, i can't wait for someone to make that...

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Last edited by Rbstr; 2004-12-12 at 02:49 PM.
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