PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Doing a Video, properly.
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Old 2012-01-10, 04:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Re: Doing a Video, properly.

I forgot who mentioned it and where but, I thought the coolest preview video would go something like this:

MIND YOU.... The VS are portrayed differently in PS2... The main war is between TR and NC..... the VS are simply doing research and killing who ever gets in the way. So some input on how to include them in that mindset would be cool.

Start- A TR cloaker, sneaks into a facility Court yard slitting the neck of a gaurd atop a catwalk

2. A NC light infantry unit, fires his rifle killing a cloaked TR soldier.

3. A TR Galaxy flies over, dropping units down into the courtyard, continuing they obviously kill the light infantry unit using team tactics, and a Max unit.

4. Countering, NC bring in reavers, raining death on the landing unit in the foreground, and you see the galaxy going down in the back ground.

5. A TR AA column rolls onto a nearby hill, shooting down the aircraft.

6. an NC ARMOR column rolls out to counter the TR threat.

7. Suddenly on a nearby hill you see TR infantry coming forward with their AV (Strikers?), and starting to lay waste to the tanks.

8. As this is occurring, the camera zooms into a TR soldier off to the side, that is still with the group but clearly not in close enough proximity to be crazy, and a New Conglomerate (Maybe Vanu Soverignty) Cloaker, uncloaks.... killing this soldier ... with his knife.

End with some stupid catch phrase going "Such is the cycle of life" Or what ever logo you want.
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