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Old 2012-03-29, 10:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Re: I made a thing (Terran Propaganda Piece)

Originally Posted by Skitrel View Post
Woah hold on a second, this misses the point and oversimplifies the situation.. The Terran Republic FORCE everyone to be part of the Terran Republic, nobody is allowed to create anything else even if they were to do so peacefully. While they may remain an internally utopian democratic regime their attitude towards and other kind of regime even being allowed to exist is very clearly that of oppressiveness.

Everyone is allowed to exist but only as long as they conform to the laws and rules of the Terran Republic, everywhere. If anyone does not, they must be destroyed.

The NC want something different to the Terran Republic, but they're not allowed it, their only option is therefore fighting against them and ultimately seeking to destroy them.

You're spot on with the VS though.

The Terran Republic is best compared to the Roman Empire, ignoring the supreme emperor part to make them fit though. Inwardly it's a democratic society that seeks to be somewhat utopian, outwardly though they sought to conquer and assimilate absolutely everyone into their empire. The Terran Republic ended war through achieving just this, uniting absolutely everything under one banner and one law. I'm sure you can understand how some people might disagree with that though, it's definitely oppressive. While it does indeed create peace, it does it through power and force, that's wrong. It's anti multiculturalism at it's best, could even be viewed as a form of facism, accept our law and culture or be destroyed.

Equality for all...

As for their image, they're the product of TRay, who worked on Fallout 1 and 2, of note - he created the look the Enclave has. They're quite clearly inspired by the look The Enclave had and understanding this helps understand the oppressive through force nature of the Terran Republic, they share a huge amount of look and similar oppressive ideals with The Enclave of fallout, and as such it's pretty clear they're not the good guys, at least from typical societal viewpoint of the year 2012.
Sure, it does sound kinda totalitarian to deny other regimes to break-off.

And if you want to do something different, ... Why not use non-violent ways through the democratic process? Using terrorism to spread your message isn't only completely immoral but destroys your legitimacy. As is clear from the background texts released the TR only abandoned large portions of the democratic process (after a vote actually) because they could not contain the rampant NC terrorism.
There were options, but they chose to scheme and plot.

And again, context is important.
The world has seen what 'something different" can result in. Almost the destruction of the species.
Experiments in tribalism and anarchy (not even anarchism) being propagated by the NC are the very reason humanity stood at the brink.

As the power of mankind increases exponentially, so should our vigilance in wielding it.
So it's probably not going to get any better than the Pax Republica Terrae.
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