PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - The Issue of the 10%-20% Power Differentiation
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Old 2011-08-01, 07:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #163
Re: The Issue of the 10%-20% Power Differentiation

Originally Posted by Kran De Loy View Post
Cone of Fire almost always uses random bullet spread to simulate inaccuracy due to a host of more specific problems such as weapon mishandling, inexperience and fatigue as well as the cone is directly influenced by the some of the same factors that you could still implement into a game without a the use of a Cone of Fire mechanic such as player movement and recoil.SilverText=Edited

Examples of something that would replace the general Cone of Fire mechanics would be Weapon Sway during and shortly after any movement, Recoil and Recoil Recovery, Muzzle Drooping with heavier weapons...
See, I'd rather a bullet not go where the weapon's pointed (and, let's be honest, cones of fire are small enough that it's not like you have that perfect an idea of where the weapon's pointed for it to be *that* jarring, anyways) than have my camera view taken out of my control or have my crosshairs walking randomly around the screen.

You want to put sights over something and then try to jerk your mouse around to keep it over the head, I'd rather put something in the center of my screen and be conscious of how much of the bloom indicator it's filling and how well I'm controlling my bursts.

In addition, I should point out that the placement of a shot within the cone of fire wasn't strictly random. It was weighted to land more often near the center of the crosshairs than near the edge of the cone. And that made for a good system with a lot of character to each of the weapons, as some would start more heavily weighted but "flatten" the probability curve as you fired, which provides a very different feel from a weapon which blooms almost immediately but retains a relatively heavy center-weighting as it does.

Originally Posted by Princess Frosty View Post
I believe power on the battlefield comes primarily from versatility, if I can heal myself and shoot heavy weapons for example then I'm more combat effective than some newb who doesn't have enough certs for that combo.

My only worry now is with the class system you're locked out of that diversity unless you die and select another loadout.
Originally Posted by opticalshadow View Post
like is ps1, ther poiwer of a vet should be the ability to apply any needed role to a battle field. their guns fire no stronger, but they have versitility.
Roles mean that everybody will have "low level" access to all that versatility, though.

I'd rather take a system like that with a little bit of power progression to replace the versatility progression, than one where you have to tell the newbie "Oh, I'm sorry, you chose basilisk, you can't get a tank yet" or "Oh, you wanted to drive a tank, so you've got nothing to fight with now that the fight's moved indoors" or "Oh, well, see, he's got heavy assault AND medic, so despite the good job you did of getting him to 10 hp, you're still screwed because he ducked around the corner and is healing up."

Last edited by kaffis; 2011-08-01 at 07:30 PM.
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