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Old 2011-01-23, 01:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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Re: NC tank screenshots

I really don't know what some are complaining about, but lets get a few misconceptions out of the way.

Originally Posted by EVILoHOMER
SOE ruined Everquest, launched Everquest 2 that sucked and didn't even feel like Everquest. They ruined SWG with the NGE and the CU and ruined Planetside with CC and BFRs, then they left it to die. DC Universe Online is another failure of an MMO from them that is so shallow and boring.
EverQuest evolved with the times, and still is going strong.

EverQuest 2 was an amazing game until PVP was established (which was requested by the community). Did they go about implementing it wrong? No, they increased the speed and progression of the game to make the PVP relevant, and focused too much on other releases like WoW and WAR instead of doing their own thing.

Star Wars Galaxies NGE and CU were pushed by LucasArts, SOE actually had little to do with it since it ruined their Trials of Obi-Wan expansion and had to give a mass refund. LucasArts owns and controls the intellectual property of Star Wars, thus they have the final say on everything.

Planetside needed an expansion to bring the attention of the game to more people since it would have a presence on store shelves. Core Combat added tons of new content and some over-powered weapons, which was done to sell more copies of the expansion. It makes sense from a business perspective, but it can screw over the players in the end. Not to mention the caverns which brought the modules, which I think was a great addition to Planetside. BFRs started out over-powered, but they were eventually balanced out and they are a decent addition to the world now. And they haven't left it to die, the players have. SOE has done what they can to continue development on it with updates and other such improvements such as Phantasm, New Deployables, and Black Ops.

DC Universe Online isn't a failure at all, in fact there are so many people playing on both PC and PS3 they need to open up new servers. Sure there's no crafting, but the game is a ton of fun and the story is presented perfectly. But I'll get back on topic.

John Smedley has released a render of what appears to be a New Conglomerate Tank, of which the turret bares a striking resemblance to the current Planetside Vanguard. You can see the comparison here:

Obviously there's a huge detail increase from the current model in Planetside to this flat light render of a Tank in Planetside Next. But why don't we take the comparisons a step further and compare this render to a render of a tank from Bad Company 2.

Here's the tank from Planetside Next:

Here's the tank from Bad Company 2:

Ignoring the lighting, effects, and physics animations as none are present in the Planetside Next Tank render, we can see a lot of similarities. The tank treds on both contain individual road wheels within the track, which we can assume with provide realistic handling and physics based animation similar to the Bad Company 2 tank. We also see a hatch for the driver and a hatch for the gunner on both models, which leads me to believe that entering and exiting a vehicle will be animated as in the current Planetside.

Now if you applied the same lighting and muzzle effects to the Planetside Next Tank, it would look 'current generation' and comparable to other games in the genre. Also, as has been stated before, if they are expecting 1000 person battles then they need to keep the requirements low. I know it's a bit picture heavy, but hope this explains a bit.

Last edited by Saieno; 2011-01-23 at 01:56 PM.
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