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Thread: Trayvon Martin
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Old 2012-04-02, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #199
First Sergeant
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Re: Trayvon Martin

Originally Posted by Warborn View Post
And yet that's essentially the effect. The cops have to take the shooter's word for it and unless they have a witness or the event becomes a national thing, that's the end of it. I wonder how many situations have gone down like the Zimmerman-Martin one did, where someone kills someone else in self-defense and they simply take the shooter's word as gospel.
I thought there was a witness?

Anywho, I get your point, and for the most part agree with it.

If the law is worded that anyone can shoot someone and claim self defense, then it needs to be changed.

For now, I'll wait to see what the investigation find...was he actually defending himself...did he actually have a broken nose/was roughed up.
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