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Old 2011-10-03, 09:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #50
Re: Colorblindness: a response to T-Ray's Massively interview

Originally Posted by GTGD View Post
1. Math is not opinionated, it is objective.

2. Your math and logic is plain wrong.
1. is correct. 2. is not.

T-Ray's math is quoting the percentage of the WHOLE population that is represented by colorblind PS2 players. He's not accounting for the fact that the "non-colorblind PS2 players" group is less than the whole population of men in America.

If that was intentional, while I applaud his optimism (that every male in America will want to play PS2), I don't think that's a relevant calculation.

Otherwise, he needs to consider that 10% of all males are colorblind. Of that 10%, 7% play video games (I'm assuming he means 70% of the 10%, or 7% of the total male population. I'll continue using percentages relative to the whole population throughout, to mirror his numbers). Of the 90 percent of colorsighted males, 63% play video games. Of those, 5% of the total population are colorblind FPSers, and 45% of the total population are colorsighted FPSers. Now, from that, 3% of the total population are colorblind PS2 players, and 27% of the total population are colorsighted PS2 players.

So, 3% vs. 27% of the total population -- now, if we actually look at percentages of the estimated 30% of all males who play PS2, 10% of those are still color-blind. So as many as 1 out of 10 (male) players of PS2 cannot tell the difference between Vanu and NC by color. Is that a problem? Potentially. It's a big enough threat that I think some focus testing in beta and being open to some alternate solutions in case shape recognition isn't enough is warranted.

Originally Posted by DviddLeff View Post
Do we have any colour blind players here who would care to comment?
Yes, there's a color-blind player in this thread. IIRC, he said he had to go TR in PS1 so he can just shoot anybody who looks bluish (VS and NC alike), or else he'd get griefed out right quick.

Originally Posted by NapalmEnima View Post
Math Critique:

Ah, but the male population of PS2 will also be a subset of a subset etc.
I certainly didn't hear an objections on that front to the color palate of PS1. I suspect that right there is going to be the biggest indicator.
I handled the subset of a subset above, but yes.
The objections not being heard was probably an indicator that PS1 tended to turn away (exclude) players who specifically wanted to play NC and VS (like my step-brother), or were just shrugged off if there wasn't a strong preference for empire as people just went TR (like the one poster in this thread).

I, for one, would like to see the game not exclude color blind potential players, because if it can get 10% more players without a complete redesign, I think it should. I *think* we've offered some workable solutions in this thread that wouldn't represent new major featuresets for the Forgelight engine that could assist in retaining colorblind players. For everybody who says "maybe the cross section of PS players isn't representative of the total population" -- why do you think that is? It would only be because the game presents barriers to some segments to play effectively. If you have the opportunity to remove those barriers, that's a benefit to the game.

You wouldn't exclude 10% (or less, I have no idea what the actual distribution is) of the players by saying "Anybody whose last name starts with 'J' will not be able to subscribe to our game", why would you exclude 7% who are color blind?

Last edited by kaffis; 2011-10-03 at 09:08 AM.
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