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Thread: Systems: E-Sport
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Old 2012-07-03, 10:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #53
The Degenatron
Master Sergeant
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Re: E-Sport

Originally Posted by BillyBob View Post
Unless I've misunderstood you completely (in which case feel free to correct me), your suggestion still involves this taking place amongst "regular" players who are not participating in the e-sport part of the game?

If that is the case, then thanks...but no thanks.

Whatever solution you (or SOE) comes up with, it should IMO not interfere with the core game mechanics in any way whatsoever, be it actively or passively.

To have any regular open in-game areas being "reserved" or dedictaed in this manner, even if only for certain limited times, is not ok.

E-sports should be something to participate in for fun at your own free will, not something to get thrown into because the combatants around you suddenly decide it's time for them to play their little "game within the game".

Again, I might have misinterpreted you, but for clarity's sake let me repeat what I've said before: Keep all e-sports out of and completely separated from the regular gameplay, no exceptions.

We who don't want to participate should not have to see any e-sports players, let alone notice any signs or effects whatsoever of any e-sport taking place.

We are in it for the pure and simple tactical/strategic COMBAT aspects of the game, and don't want anything else messing with that as its core motivation and objective of the game.

That means no scoring "points" for the sake of scoring points or winning "matches" separated from the ongoing battle targeted against other specific players and/or teams.

We just want to kill, get killed, gain resources and control over territory and be done with it.

By all means, have SOE put in all the e-sports you want, knock yourselves out and have fun...but whatever you do keep it the hell away from the rest of us under ALL circumstances and at ALL times!

Absolutely. I get it and I'm with you on this.

The ONLY thing a player who didn't care about these "Drop Zone" Matches would ever see is something akin to a HART shuttle departing from their Foothold base. An alarm goes off, people go to the shuttle, the shuttle leaves, and for a player like you out in the field, you never even know.

You'd also get a bump of bonus resources pumped into you bank if your Empire's team won. It'd be just one resource type. Or you'd get a decrease in your drop-pod timer.

What I meant by the Drop Zones being filled with "scrubs" is that they'd be volunteers. You're going to have a percentage of the general population who are not in Outfits but want to participate. The Drop Zones would always be cycling so most times the "unaffiliated volunteers" would be filling out the rosters of those matches. But the rosters would also give prefrence to Outfits and if an Outfit shows up with 200 players, then they get seated first. If one Outfit can't fill the entire roster, then roster would then be filled out with additional Outfits, and then "scrubs".

But at no time would anyone ever be forced to interact with this system if they didn't want to.

Edit: To further clarify - These "arenas" would be off continent, running on their own server. Players that participate would be picked up and dropped of at the Foothold. Nothing would happen "On Continent".

An example would be a massive modern looking "oil dereck" way out in the ocean - completely separated from the continental action.

Also - spectators would have a serparate login. They would not be taking up space on a continent to sit and spectate.

Last edited by The Degenatron; 2012-07-03 at 11:12 AM.
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