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Click here to go to the next VIP post in this thread.   Old 2012-06-29, 01:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
PlanetSide 2
Game Designer
Re: Niche vs customizable vehicle roles.

The OP is poorly worded and difficult to tease out what it is that is being said, though Xyntech did a good job of summarizing the different aspects under discussion.

Having multiple roles per vehicle frame is good. Customization is good, and since we put certs in the frame and then its individual weapon and upgrade options that makes the vehicle a better investment rather than having to do those investments into niche vehicles only good for one purpose.

The only issue I have with multiple roles per vehicle is role identification. As Xyntech described, it is nearly impossible to tell what role an ES fighter is, or what kind of guns a Galaxy has configured.

In the absence of clear role identification players will come to assume the worst.

The best solution here that I can think of is that the weapons for some vehicles are a bit bigger and have a noticeably different shape. Additionally some small bits should be added to the vehicle to make it more visually identifiable based on significant role changes.

- Galaxy - guns should be bigger. AA guns vs AV vs AI should all be clearly distinguishable.

- Sunderer - just like the galaxy - guns easy to identify

- Lightning - Skyguard turret should visually change the turret so the silhouette is distinct as an AA variant. If it has AI it should also be distinct so Infantry can easily identify it.

- ES Tanks - the secondary turrets should be bigger and more distinct. The chainguns today look very tiny and that's OK for the default secondary gun. For the AV and AA and AI upgrades they should all change the turret in slight but obvious ways so players can learn to quickly and easily identify them, even when flying overhead at 240 kph.

- ES Aircraft - these are harder since the aircraft move very fast and the weaponry is not clearly identifiable on all of them. I would recommend slight changes in the aircraft as the armament (role) changes. For example, an Air-to-Air Reaver might have the vertical stabilizer on the tail angled upwards (current reaver style), while the Air-to-Ground reaver has a vertical stabilizer on the tail angled downward (the old reaver style). This would allow anyone to tell which role simply by looking at the silhouette. The Scythe and Mosquito could have similar minor but silhouette-altering changes.

- Liberator - This one's challenging, but perhaps the bits on the wings could be different if the role changes. For example, firing a chain gun is very different from a cannon in the effect it has on the aircraft's flight (the AC130 has compensators in the wings so the aircraft flight doesn't get disrupted by the recoil of the cannon). The Liberator could have slight wing differences so those on the ground can look up and see clearly what role it is in based on the wing shape.

- Flash - This one is also a bit harder, but maybe not as necessary either. Could change some of the bits on the bike to create a slightly different but distinct shape based on guns.

I'm also a bit concerned that for monetization purposes we might see different models for the same vehicles over time and that would further exacerbate role identification issues. Some things need to be clearly locked down and I think model shape is one of them.
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