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Old 2012-03-23, 03:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Re: Thoughts on the homogenezation of vehicles

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I know I'm probably clinging onto PS1 desperately, and I know PS2 is far to along in it's development for this to be changed, but like I said, I was just curious what the general consensus is on Small number of vehicles that can fill multiple roles vs. Lot's of vehicles each with their independent role.
I'm curious at what point in the PC/Console time line did this regression first start for the Battlefield series of games? Put in the hands of the PC modding communities vehicle models and variations increased many times such that it was possible for 32 players on either side to each have their own very different vehicle, variation and purpose and be completely interchangeable with their rivals. With each version of Battlefield on the way to a console release entire theatres of war disappeared or were extremely limited. A prop aircraft carrier...a couple tanks and helicopters. Eventually mod development was completely eliminated...what would have happened if DICE released their customary mod tools for BF3?...would the players have migrated back towards to their PC's and shelved their consoles if they were not able to keep up with the natural complexity that evolves from outside home PC based development?

The thing that scares me the most is how could limiting the number of vehicles, items and their various combinations make that game more compatible for either a current or near future gaming console? One with a keyboard and mouse but stagnant in upgrade-ability. Does making a game more diverse and sandbox-ish make it harder for console technology to keep up? Could “missions on rails” be conducted by current console technology on a limited scale? Perhaps within a hex? We are talking about a company that builds and designs consoles and their games...I find it hard to believe that it wasn't or isn't factored in directly to what PS2 is about to become. Is this a product of the times being dumbed down and developed on rails rather than making it a product that makes the times like PS1 did? PS1 had a treasure trove of vehicles and weaponry that seemed to get washed away much the same way it did in multiple titles that all ended up on consoles. Considering the raw computer power sitting on our desks with no sign of even slowing down in development and instantly upgradeable PS2 strikes me as being quite child like or even cosole-ish in nature?

We assume all our favorite vehicles will eventually make it back into the game but let us suppose for a moment that from day one they said you will see all your favorite vehicles return in PS2 plus the ability to customize each of them and give you to tools to even create some of your own...would you be in here complaining about that? Technical aspects asside from a creative point of view I prefer diversity...let the programmers figure out how to deliver it to our PC. Why should be have to miss having anything? My computer is 10x as powerful as the one I had in 2003 and my internet is 10x as fast PS2 progress at all? It honestly feels like a throwback and we're so busy making excuses for it we don't see what's really going on.

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