PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Systems: Possible Sanctuary System
Thread: Systems: Possible Sanctuary System
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Old 2011-08-12, 10:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #50
Re: Possible Sanctuary System

What if the beachheads aren't a fixed game mechanic? What if part of the reason for certing CE is so you can help establish player-formed beachheads?

Imagine, if you will:

Continent/Planet X--we'll call it Dirkadirkastan--is locked down by NC dogs. Our glorious TR leaders want Dirkadirkastan captured to use as a recreational facility for old and retired Reavers. A large strike force is assembled on a friendly continent/planet, and they proceed to invade Dirkadirkastan. The game selects a random stretch of beach, and the strikeforce is dropped into open sea off of that beach. They move in, and while a group of CEs begins setting up the beachhead, they rest of the strikeforce defends.

How does this plan prevent camping/besieging/whatever? Say this fabled Mothership merely drops landing craft. It could easily drop them into the open ocean off of the map, from whence the force moves directly to the beach and begins securing it. Because the beaches are chosen at random by the game, a faction would have to patrol an ENTIRE continent to prevent an invasion. Have the invading force spawn together ~30 seconds from the beach, and let a warning show up on the enemy faction's chat window. This gives the invasion enough of a head start to not completely fuck them over, but let's the other side know what's up so they can go and defend, and we can all shoot at each other and be happy.
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